Key to Callotillus of America North of Mexico
1. Specimen from southern tip of Florida. .............................................................................. eburneocinctus Wolcott 1911.
- Specimen from Central to western US. ................................................................................................................................... 2.
2.(1) Prothorax coarsely and densely punctate. .................................................................... elegans elegans (Erichson 1847).
- Prothorax finely and lightly punctate. .................................................................................... elegans vafer Wolcott 1921.
Literature Cited
Erichson, W.F. 1847. Conspectus Insectorum Coleopterorum quae in Republica Peruana observata sunt. Archiv für
Naturgeschichte 13: 67-185.
Wolcott, A. B. 1911. New American Cleridae, with notes on others (Coleoptera). Entomological News 22: 115-125.
Wolcott, A. B. 1921. North American predaceous beetles of the tribe Tillini in the United States National Museum.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum 59: 269-290.